盲自适应算法--递推最小二乘恒模算法Recursive Least Squares Constant Modulus Algorithm for Blind Adaptive Array
标签: Recursive Algorithm Constant Adaptive
上传时间: 2014-06-30
contains documents about new insights into the recursive least squares algorithm and a sample matlab code for rls algorithm
标签: algorithm documents recursive contains
上传时间: 2017-04-13
System identification with adaptive filter using full and partial-update Recursive-Least-Squares
标签: Recursive-Least-Squares identification partial-update adaptive
上传时间: 2013-12-30
This directory contains utility for implementing generic Reqursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm. The example shows how one can use the utility to estamate the parameters of a simple linear discrete time system.
标签: implementing Reqursive directory algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-06
The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274 (see comments at the start of the module). A planar-rotation algorithm is used to update the QR- factorization. This makes it suitable for updating regressions as more data become available. The module contains a test for singularities which is simpler and quicker than calculating the singular-value decomposition. An important feature of the algorithm is that it does not square the condition number. The matrix X X is not formed. Hence it is suitable for ill- conditioned problems, such as fitting polynomials. By taking advantage of the MODULE facility, it has been possible to remove many of the arguments to routines. Apart from the new function VARPRD, and a back-substitution routine BKSUB2 which it calls, the routines behave as in AS 274.
标签: least-squares unconstrained Statisti Applied
上传时间: 2015-05-14
最小平方近似法 (least-squares approximation) 是用來求出一組離散 (discrete) 數據點的近似函數 (approximating function),作實驗所得的數據亦常使用最小平方近似法來達成曲線密合 (curve fitting)。以下所介紹的最小平方近似法是使用多項式作為近似函數,除了多項式之外,指數、對數方程式亦可作為近似函數。關於最小平方近似法的計算原理,請參閱市面上的數值分析書籍
标签: least-squares approximation approximating discrete
上传时间: 2015-06-21
%直接型到并联型的转换 % %[C,B,A]=dir2par(b,a) %C为当b的长度大于a时的多项式部分 %B为包含各bk的K乘2维实系数矩阵 %A为包含各ak的K乘3维实系数矩阵 %b为直接型分子多项式系数 %a为直接型分母多项式系数 %
上传时间: 2014-01-20
直接型到级联型的形式转换 % [b0,B,A]=dir2cas(b,a) %b 为直接型的分子多项式系数 %a 为直接型的分母多项式系数 %b0为增益系数 %B 为包含各bk的K乘3维实系数矩阵 %A 为包含各ak的K乘3维实系数矩阵 %
上传时间: 2013-12-30
通过奇异值分解实现的最小二乘拟合算法 inear least-squares fit by singular value decomposition
标签: decomposition least-squares singular inear
上传时间: 2015-07-26
有监督自组织映射-偏最小二乘算法(A supervised self-organising map–partial least squares algorithm),可以用语多变量数据的回归分析
标签: self-organising supervised algorithm partial
上传时间: 2015-10-22